High Current Inductors

High current inductors are used to control and smooth the electrical current in many applications that use high-powered batteries. This helps to maintain efficient operation, manage heat generation, and filter out potentially damaging AC frequencies from a DC power supply. There are several characteristics to consider when selecting the best high current inductor.

Here we’ll look at how these inductors work, how they are used, and some of the benefits of high current inductors from MPS Industries.

What is a High Current Inductor?

High-powered electrical sources can create voltage spikes or fluctuations in current flow. These in turn can damage or reduce performance of devices and equipment connected to them. High current inductors are often used in these situations to help manage current and maintain a consistent power at the appropriate wattage for the application.

Inductors store energy in a magnetic field and prevent sudden changes in current. They are often made of single-wound, flat wire wrapped around a core. This type of wire has a greater surface area than round wire; therefore, it reduces power loss and can handle higher current without a proportional increase in inductor size. The core is often made from ferrite; though, other materials can be used including ceramic, powdered iron, nickel, or plastic. In some cases the core is hollow, forming an “air” core.

Current flow creates an electromagnetic field in the core that stores energy. This energy creates an electromotive force that is able to oppose changes in current flow and effectively blocks high-frequency AC signals while allowing DC current to pass through.

By storing and releasing energy as needed, a high current inductor mitigates the effects of voltage spikes, electrical noise, and fluctuating currents and promotes a steady supply of power at the desired voltage.

Selecting the Right High Current Inductor: Key Characteristics to Consider

High current inductors have several design characteristics that vary depending on needs of application and power source being used.


  • Flat HEW helical edge wound. Flat wire has a large surface area which reduces energy loss to store more energy, and is very space efficient.
  • Toroidal. Flat or round wire is wrapped around a donut-shaped core. These are often used in lower-current applications.
  • Shielded. Magnetic shielding helps to limit electromagnetic interference (EMI).
  • Air core. A hollow core style in which energy is stored in the wound wires. They are often used in lower-power applications; however, because they have the core to become magnetically saturated, they can be appropriate for high-current applications as well.
  • Dimensions and weight. Inductors can be made in a range of sizes to fit in devices, vehicles, power equipment, and confined spaces. Size and material choice affect weight as well as functionality, and can be an issue in automotive and other applications.


Inductance is the tendency of a conductor (i.e., wire) to oppose a change in the current flowing through it. It is also an indicator of the amount of energy that can be stored in the inductor’s core. High current causes inductance to drop, so it’s important to consider inductance along with current rating when selecting an appropriate inductor for a given application.

Current Rating

Current rating is a measure of how much current the inductor can handle without a drop in performance or circuit malfunction. It can be expressed in terms of magnetic saturation and temperature. Magnetic saturation is the point at which the core cannot hold any more magnetic flux energy and inductance begins to decline continuously. As heat is generated, this saturation point is reached more quickly. When defined by temperature, the current rating is the current level when the temperature has changed by 40 °C.

DC Resistance

This is how much the inductor resists DC current at frequencies near 0 Hz. Lower DC resistance can help to limit energy loss.

Operating Temperature Range

This is the actual range of ambient temperatures in which the system and inductor will operate regularly. Ambient temperature and the heat generated by the inductor itself both impact magnetic saturation and overall inductor performance.

Applications of High Current Inductors

High current inductors are used to regulate current from a power supply so that equipment and devices receive smooth, consistent, and appropriate power. Some common applications include:

  • AC to DC and DC to AC power conversion systems
  • Motor drives for vehicles and devices
  • Automotive systems like power windows, onboard chargers, power steering, etc.
  • Welding power supplies
  • Server power supplies
  • Industrial automation and robotics
  • Solar inverters that convert collected DC electricity to AC for the grid and distribution

Benefits of Quality High Current Inductors

High current inductors offer several essential advantages:

Improved Performance

High current inductors can optimize performance by handling larger currents than other inductors without saturation or overheating. They also reduce power loss and are more efficient than standard inductors, and help filter electrical “noise” that can disrupt or lower signal quality.

Reliability and Longevity

High current inductors are constructed from robust materials that stand up to demanding environments and high-current loads. As a result, they are less prone to failure and limit time and money spent on maintenance.


High current inductors can have higher upfront costs; however, their increased reliability, efficiency, and service life add up to savings over time. Custom design and manufacturing capabilities at MPS Industries can further optimize an inductor for your application for even greater efficiency and functionality.

Quality High Current Inductors from MPS Industries

MPS Industries specializes in high current fixed inductors, transformers, telecom magnetics, common mode chokes, and custom-designed magnetics. We offer a large selection of standard inductors as well as custom-designed components to meet your requirements.

Request a quote from us today to learn more and to discuss your application.